Perkembangan ilmu, teknologi dan peradaban umat manusia membawa konsekwensi terjadinya arus transaksi ekonomi global yang semakin deras yang pada muaranya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan dan kebahagiaan hidup manusia. Berbagai transaksi tersebut tidak terlepas dari aset atau properti yang mendukung kehidupan manusia berupa aset biologi (tanaman) sebagai sumber kehidupan manusia yang tidak dapat digantikan oleh material lain.
Sebelum membahas aset tanaman kami mencoba melihat lebih jauh tentang aset yang berhubungan dengan mahluk hidup. Mahluk hidup yang ada di muka bumi ini terdiri dari manusia (subyek), hewan dan tumbuhan yang ketiganya sering juga disebut mahluk biologis. Mahluk biologis sebagai obyek maka terdiri hewan dan tumbuhan yang memiliki ciri-ciri antara lain:
- Tumbuh, berkembang dan mati sesuai waktu
- Dapat menghasilkan keturunan (regenerasi)
- Dapat bergerak
- Sensitif terhadap rangsangan lingkungan
- Dan sebagainya
Dalam pemetaan bidang kajian untuk mempermudah pemahaman maka kita mengenal sektor: peternakan, perikanan, dan pertanian. Dalam hal ini tanaman masuk dalam sektor pertanian yang meliputi: perkebunan, kehutanan, dan pertanian dalam arti sempit (on farming). Tanaman merupakan bagian dari divisio tumbuhan yang telah dibudidayakan dan dimanfaatkan oleh manusia.
Berdasarkan umurnya maka tanaman dapat dikelompokkan sebagai berikut:
Berdasarkan bagian/organ tubuh yang dimanfaatkannya maka tanaman dapat dimanfaatkan: akar, batang, daun, bunga, biji, kandungan bioaktifnya atau kombinasi organ-organ lainnya. Berdasarkan kematangan reproduksi maka tanaman pada fase vegetatif (pertumbuhan akar, batang dan daun) dan vase generatif (pertumbuhan bunga, buah dan biji).
Berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan budidayanya (resikonya) maka ada tanaman dengan tingkat budidayanya sangat rumit dan sulit, sedang dan mudah.
Untuk melakukan penilaian tanaman maka sesuai Standar Penilaian Indonesia (SPI) ada 3 metode/ pendekatan perhitungannya yang mungkin dapat diterapkannya yaitu: Data Pasar, Biaya dan Pendapatan. Yang jadi pertanyaan adalah:
Oleh karena itu penilai harus jeli dan cerdas memahami hal tersebut, sehingga tidak terjebak dengan potensi nilai yang tinggi atau rendah yang sebenarnya tidak mungkin dapat dicapai atau mudah dicapainya. Penilai juga tidak terjebak dengan pendekatan metode hitungan dengan asumsi parameter-parameter penyusun struktur suatu nilai, karena kondisi karakteristik tanaman berbeda-beda sesuai umur, lingkungan, pengelolaan dan bibit.
Kita ketahui bahwa produksi suatu tanaman merupakan fungsi dari Genetik, Lingkunga, dan Manajemen. yang dapat dirumuskan:
P = G + E + M
P = produksi tanaman
G = Genetic (sifat benih/bibit)
E = Enviroment/Lingkungan (tanah dan iklim)
M = Manajemen (manusia, alat dan bahan-bahan produksi)
(Maaf bersambung yah....)
Crop year (8-12 months of their life cycle) such as: sugarcane, cassava, ginger and so forth.
Annual plants (> 12 months of their life cycle) such as: oil palm, rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea, sengon, eucaliptus, acacia, teak, sandalwood and so forth.
Based on his age, the type of plant has an economic life, the age of ecological and physiological age. Economic life of a plant because as human object that is utilized by humans because it has economic value, so that where their age has a high economic then at that time the plant should be closed or taken advantage of her age. Ecological age is the age of the plant because of death caused by environmental stresses such as drought, inundation, nutritional deficiencies, fire, pests and physiological penyakit.Umur a potential age when the plants are not susceptible to interference from outside himself that is environmental stress. As an example of the economic life of 25 years of oil palm plantations, ecological age could be more or less than 25 years and physiological age over 25 years.
Based on part / organ of the body that utilization of the plant can be utilized: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, or a combination of its bioactive content of other organs. Based on the reproductive maturity of the plants in the vegetative phase (the growth of roots, stems and leaves) and vase generative (growth of flowers, fruits and seeds).
Based on the difficulty level of cultivation (the risk) then there are plants with the level of cultivation is very complicated and difficult, moderate and easy.
To assess the plant according to Standard Penilaian Indonesia (SPI), there are 3 methods / approaches that may be applied calculations are: Market Data, Cost and Income.
Sebelum membahas aset tanaman kami mencoba melihat lebih jauh tentang aset yang berhubungan dengan mahluk hidup. Mahluk hidup yang ada di muka bumi ini terdiri dari manusia (subyek), hewan dan tumbuhan yang ketiganya sering juga disebut mahluk biologis. Mahluk biologis sebagai obyek maka terdiri hewan dan tumbuhan yang memiliki ciri-ciri antara lain:
- Tumbuh, berkembang dan mati sesuai waktu
- Dapat menghasilkan keturunan (regenerasi)
- Dapat bergerak
- Sensitif terhadap rangsangan lingkungan
- Dan sebagainya
Dalam pemetaan bidang kajian untuk mempermudah pemahaman maka kita mengenal sektor: peternakan, perikanan, dan pertanian. Dalam hal ini tanaman masuk dalam sektor pertanian yang meliputi: perkebunan, kehutanan, dan pertanian dalam arti sempit (on farming). Tanaman merupakan bagian dari divisio tumbuhan yang telah dibudidayakan dan dimanfaatkan oleh manusia.
Berdasarkan umurnya maka tanaman dapat dikelompokkan sebagai berikut:
- Tanaman semusim (2-4 bulan siklus hidupnya) seperti: bawang merah, padi, jagung, cabe, tomat, kedelai, kacang tanah, terung, timun dan sebagainya.
- Tanaman setahun (8 - 12 bulan siklus hidupnya) seperti: tebu, singkong, jahe dan sebagainya.
- Tanaman tahunan (> 12 bulan siklus hidupnya) seperti: kelapa sawit, karet, kakao, kopi, teh, sengon, eucaliptus, akasia, jati, cendana dan sebagainya.
Berdasarkan bagian/organ tubuh yang dimanfaatkannya maka tanaman dapat dimanfaatkan: akar, batang, daun, bunga, biji, kandungan bioaktifnya atau kombinasi organ-organ lainnya. Berdasarkan kematangan reproduksi maka tanaman pada fase vegetatif (pertumbuhan akar, batang dan daun) dan vase generatif (pertumbuhan bunga, buah dan biji).
Berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan budidayanya (resikonya) maka ada tanaman dengan tingkat budidayanya sangat rumit dan sulit, sedang dan mudah.
Untuk melakukan penilaian tanaman maka sesuai Standar Penilaian Indonesia (SPI) ada 3 metode/ pendekatan perhitungannya yang mungkin dapat diterapkannya yaitu: Data Pasar, Biaya dan Pendapatan. Yang jadi pertanyaan adalah:
- Karakteristik setiap tanaman berbeda-beda sesuai umur dan faktor resikonya
- Kondisi atau stadia atau fase tanaman berbeda-beda pada suatu waktu yaitu fase vegetatif dan generatif
- Nilai manfaat tanaman berbeda pada masing-masing fase umur dan tingkat resikonya.
- Perkembangan tanaman dan tingkat resiko tanaman berbeda-beda terhadap musimnya yaitu musim kemarau dan hujan.
- Kondisi tanaman setiap waktu akan berbeda-beda tergantung dari kondisi lingkungan.
- Respon negatif dan positif tanaman terhadap lingkungan relatif lama
Oleh karena itu penilai harus jeli dan cerdas memahami hal tersebut, sehingga tidak terjebak dengan potensi nilai yang tinggi atau rendah yang sebenarnya tidak mungkin dapat dicapai atau mudah dicapainya. Penilai juga tidak terjebak dengan pendekatan metode hitungan dengan asumsi parameter-parameter penyusun struktur suatu nilai, karena kondisi karakteristik tanaman berbeda-beda sesuai umur, lingkungan, pengelolaan dan bibit.
Kita ketahui bahwa produksi suatu tanaman merupakan fungsi dari Genetik, Lingkunga, dan Manajemen. yang dapat dirumuskan:
P = G + E + M
P = produksi tanaman
G = Genetic (sifat benih/bibit)
E = Enviroment/Lingkungan (tanah dan iklim)
M = Manajemen (manusia, alat dan bahan-bahan produksi)
(Maaf bersambung yah....)
The development science, technology and civilization of mankind to bring the consequences of current global economic transactions increasingly heavy on the estuary to improve the satisfaction and happiness of human life. Various transactions can not be separated from the assets or properties that support human life in the form of biological assets (plants) as a source of human life that can not be replaced by other materials.
Before discussing our plant assets to try to see more info on assets associated with living things. Living creatures that exist on earth consists of humans (subjects), animals and plants are often called biological creatures. Biological beings as objects then consist of animals and plants that have characteristics include:
- Grow, grow and die on your time
- Able to produce offspring (regeneration)
- Can move
- Sensitive to environmental stimuli
- And so on
In mapping the field of study to facilitate the understanding then we know the sectors: livestock, fisheries, and agriculture. In this case the plants included in the agriculture sector which include: agriculture, forestry, and agriculture in the strict sense (on farming). Plants are part of the divisio plants have been cultivated and utilized by humans.
Based on his age, the plants can be grouped as follows:
Seasonal crops (2-4 month life cycle) such as: onion, rice, corn, chili, tomato, soybean, peanut, eggplant, cucumber and so forth.
Before discussing our plant assets to try to see more info on assets associated with living things. Living creatures that exist on earth consists of humans (subjects), animals and plants are often called biological creatures. Biological beings as objects then consist of animals and plants that have characteristics include:
- Grow, grow and die on your time
- Able to produce offspring (regeneration)
- Can move
- Sensitive to environmental stimuli
- And so on
In mapping the field of study to facilitate the understanding then we know the sectors: livestock, fisheries, and agriculture. In this case the plants included in the agriculture sector which include: agriculture, forestry, and agriculture in the strict sense (on farming). Plants are part of the divisio plants have been cultivated and utilized by humans.
Based on his age, the plants can be grouped as follows:
Seasonal crops (2-4 month life cycle) such as: onion, rice, corn, chili, tomato, soybean, peanut, eggplant, cucumber and so forth.
Crop year (8-12 months of their life cycle) such as: sugarcane, cassava, ginger and so forth.
Annual plants (> 12 months of their life cycle) such as: oil palm, rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea, sengon, eucaliptus, acacia, teak, sandalwood and so forth.
Based on his age, the type of plant has an economic life, the age of ecological and physiological age. Economic life of a plant because as human object that is utilized by humans because it has economic value, so that where their age has a high economic then at that time the plant should be closed or taken advantage of her age. Ecological age is the age of the plant because of death caused by environmental stresses such as drought, inundation, nutritional deficiencies, fire, pests and physiological penyakit.Umur a potential age when the plants are not susceptible to interference from outside himself that is environmental stress. As an example of the economic life of 25 years of oil palm plantations, ecological age could be more or less than 25 years and physiological age over 25 years.
Based on part / organ of the body that utilization of the plant can be utilized: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, or a combination of its bioactive content of other organs. Based on the reproductive maturity of the plants in the vegetative phase (the growth of roots, stems and leaves) and vase generative (growth of flowers, fruits and seeds).
Based on the difficulty level of cultivation (the risk) then there are plants with the level of cultivation is very complicated and difficult, moderate and easy.
To assess the plant according to Standard Penilaian Indonesia (SPI), there are 3 methods / approaches that may be applied calculations are: Market Data, Cost and Income.
The question is:
- The characteristics of each plant varies according to age and risk factors
- Condition or stage or phase of different crops at a time that is phase vegetative and generative.
- Value of different plant benefits at each phase of the age and level of risk.
- The development of crop and levels of risk vary on seasons namely dry and rainy seasons.
- The condition of the plants each time will vary depending on environmental conditions.
- Negative and positive responses of plants to the environment is relatively long.While the appraiser are faced with 3 the most appropriate approach can be applied so that will have a market value in accordance with objective assessment.
Therefore, assessors should be observant and intelligent to understand it, so do not get stuck with a potential value of high or low is actually impossible to achieve or easily achieved. Appraisers also do not get stuck with the approach of the count method with the assumption that the parameters of constituent structure of a value, because the condition of the plant characteristics vary according to age, environment, management and seeds.
We know that the production of a crop is a function of genetics, Lingkunga, and Management. which can be formulated:
P = G + E + M
P = production plant
G = Genetic (nature of the seed / seedling)
E = Environment / Environment (soil and climate)
M = Management (personnel, equipment and materials production)
(Sorry to be continued well ....)